our approach

At (REPS), we want you to live well and be well. That’s why we offer wellness services, pain management, and sports performance programs. You shouldn’t have to go through life in pain. The (REPS) Approach fulfills your desire for optimal living.
We have a unique sports performance approach to our services that will enhance your skills needed to train & compete at a higher level.


“Surgeons could not assure that I would ever run again, with or without surgery.
I am back to running with the help of the Alter G and (REPS) approach.
– Kathy Sanford

“It wasn’t until I came to (REPS) that I truly got relief from a nagging knee injury.”
– Traci McKenna

“My right knee started hurting with no apparent reason… I can walk without knee pain!
– Joyce Galiette

I had weak quads after knee surgery…thank you (REPS) for being my recovery guru and coach!
– Michael Cooper

I had weak quads after knee surgery…thank you (REPS) for being my recovery guru and coach!
– Michael Cooper

Research Enhanced Perfomance Services (REPS)
410 McKeever Rd
Arcola, TX 77458

***By Appointment Only***
To provide the best service possible,
we request that you book an appointment on this site,
or text/call

Call/Text: 281.773.8180
Email: info@repspt.com

