Blog Post #10 

It’s never too early to begin a sound strength-training program. All athletes, no matter their age, can reap the benefits of weight training such as increased confidence, muscle mass, strength, and power. An athlete who has been trained in free weights or machine lifting is ahead of their “naturally athletic” competitors because they have learned the importance of a long-term approach to building strength and power. Proven training programs tailored to youth athletics help student athletes excel in their sport and gain an advantage over the competition.

Why Strength Training Matters for Young Athletes

Strength training for young athletes offers a number of physical and psychological benefits that can help them excel in sports. Most importantly, it helps build muscle mass which increases strength and agility. This is especially important for young athletes who are still growing and developing as it helps them build a strong foundation for further development down the line. Additionally, strength training can improve speed, coordination, balance, muscular endurance and decrease injury risk due to improved posture.

Not only does it offer physical benefits but also psychological ones as well. Studies have shown that weightlifting can increase self-confidence in children by providing structure and discipline while helping them set goals that are achievable with hard work. It also teaches younger athletes how to stay motivated even when things get tough or they start to feel discouraged or overwhelmed. Finally, it provides an outlet for stress relief which can be beneficial both on the field and off.

The Benefits of Working With a Performance Coach

Working with a performance coach is one way to ensure your child is getting the most out of their strength training program while getting tailored guidance along the way. A performance coach will be able to create an individualized plan based on your child’s needs that includes exercises specifically designed for youth athletics like weightlifting and plyometrics (jumping exercises). The coach will also help educate kids about nutrition and recovery so that they can learn how these factors affect their performance both on the field and off. They will also be able to provide valuable feedback regarding technique so that kids are doing exercises correctly in order to maximize results while avoiding injury or strain on their bodies.

Strength training is incredibly important for young athletes as it provides numerous physical and psychological benefits such as increased muscle mass, speed, coordination, balance, self-confidence, motivation, stress relief etc… Working with a performance coach is one way to ensure kids are getting the most out of their program by providing tailored guidance along with education about nutrition and recovery so that they can get stronger without putting themselves at risk for injury or strain on their bodies. Ultimately this will help young athletes excel in sports while gaining an advantage over competitors who don’t take part in any kind of structured strength-training program at all!

Dr. Lesley Kargbo, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS