Stay on track and don’t look back

Injuries can be a dreaded reality for young athletes, but they don’t have to spell the end of their sports career. With the help of a rehabilitation specialist, an athlete can go from injured and unable to play to strength training and back into the game. This journey takes knowledge of healing, experience with several types of injuries, and professional communication to help young athletes through the complex process of returning to sports.

The Process of Healing

The process of healing starts with understanding what type of injury has occurred. Depending on severity, it is important to assess if surgery is necessary or if rest and rehabilitation will be sufficient. From there, range-of-motion exercises should be done regularly in order to maintain flexibility as well as prevent further damage from happening. A rehabilitation specialist should also discuss nutrition and lifestyle changes that are necessary for optimum health during recovery. This includes hydration habits, sleep quality, postural positioning, stretching techniques, and proper warmup strategies prior to any physical activity.

Strength Training for Recovery

Once an athlete is able to get back on their feet – literally – strength training becomes vital for proper recovery. Strength training helps reduce pain by increasing blood flow throughout the body. It also helps restore muscular balance while improving motor control over time. During each session with a rehab specialist, athletes should start off light with low-intensity exercises before gradually increasing weight as they become stronger and more comfortable with movement patterns. The goal is always progressing slowly so that the injury does not worsen or cause new issues down the road.

Managing Pain Long Term

Athletes need long term support during recovery so that they can manage chronic pain effectively in order to stay active in sports or physical activities without fear of reinjury or further damage occurring. This includes developing a plan for dealing with pain both during physical activity as well as afterwards when muscles are sore or tired from exertion. A rehab specialist should help them create this plan by teaching them how to use hot/cold therapy techniques appropriately along with massage techniques that can be used before workouts and after practice sessions in order to reduce inflammation naturally rather than via medication use only when absolutely necessary.

Rehabilitation specialists are essential for helping athletes return from injuries safely and successfully; however, it takes more than just medical advice for an athlete’s journey back into their sport—it takes patience and practice along with expert guidance every step of the way in order for an injured athlete to reach their performance potential again safely without fear or doubt looming over them like a dark cloud ready at any moment rain down on their hopes of playing again one day soon! By following these tips outlined above, athletes will have all the resources they need in order to make a successful transition from injury back into full sporting participation once more!  With dedication and commitment each step of the way towards full function once more athletes will gain greater confidence knowing that no matter what may come up on their journey through life they’re never out of contention until all hope has been lost! So here’s wishing all injured athlete’s out there success on their journeys towards full recovery! Here’s cheers! And here’s hoping everyone finds happiness once again doing what they love most–playing sports! Don’t forget it! You got this! Good luck! Go Team! Go you!! All your hard work will pay off!! Believe in yourself!! You CAN do it!! 

Dr. Lesley Kargbo, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS