Coaching is paramount

As a parent of a middle school athlete, you want your child to succeed and excel in the sport they love. With the right set of tools and strategies, you can help your child reach their goals. The key is to focus on long-term athletic development (LTAD). Let us discuss why this is important and how it will help your child achieve success in sports.

The Benefits of LTAD

LTAD focuses on developing an athlete over time with physical, mental, technical, tactical, and social skills that are necessary for success in any sport. This type of development allows young athletes to stay healthy while reducing the risk of injury. LTAD also helps athletes develop a greater understanding of their body’s capabilities, which can be beneficial when they reach high school level athletics and beyond.

The most important benefit of LTAD is that it allows young athletes to begin building the foundation for future success — whether it’s at the professional level or simply becoming a better athlete by learning how their bodies work and responding accordingly to various types of training. By focusing on long-term development instead of just short-term results, athletes can maintain proper form, increase muscle memory, build strength and agility without sacrificing performance or risking injury.

How To Implement LTAD Into Your Child’s Training

When implementing LTAD into your child’s training program there are several factors you should consider. First off, make sure that your child has access to quality coaching from reputable trainers who understand the fundamentals of LTAD and have experience working with younger athletes. It’s also important to ensure that your child is getting adequate rest between practice sessions so that they don’t become burnt out or overwhelmed by too much activity too quickly. Additionally, make sure they are eating a balanced diet filled with nutritious foods that will fuel their bodies and help them perform at their best during each practice session. Finally, make sure they have access to quality equipment so that they can safely train without injury or hindrance.

Long-term athletic development (LTAD) is an essential part of any middle school athlete’s training program if they wish to achieve success at higher levels such as high school athletics or even professionally someday. With proper implementation from knowledgeable coaches along with nutritious meals, adequate rest periods between activities, and quality equipment; parents can give their children all the tools necessary for athletic success far into adulthood – no matter what level they decide to pursue! With these tips in mind you will be able to give your child the best chance at succeeding in sports regardless of where life takes them after middle school athletics!

Dr. Lesley Kargbo, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS